Cardio power
Alone, chiropractic adjustments make remarkable progress in allowing your body to operate at maximum capacity and heal itself naturally when threatened with illness. As wonderful as chiropractic adjustments are, you could harness even more life-improving power by simply adding exercise to your routine of chiropractic adjustments.
Here’s the good news. Lots of people falsely believe that exercise has to be grueling in order to be effective. The truth is that just 30 minutes of exercise that elevates your heart rate is all you need—and you only have to do it every other day!
Reaching a better quality of life is easier than you think. So don’t think about exercising, grab your sneakers and do it! Here are some motivating facts to consider:
People who keep aerobically fit are six times less likely to die prematurely from heart attack, stroke and arterial clogging.
Cardio and aerobic exercise, done vigorously for 30 minutes, increases your energy usage by 10 times! This means you’ll use excess calories, burn fat, lose weight and become more physically fit.
Many studies have linked alertness and productivity with physical fitness. A Purdue University study found that by increasing personal fitness by 22 percent, a person could improve their mental capacity and decision making ability by a whopping 70 percent. What’s more, NASA scientists proved fitter employees were 12.5 percent more productive than their less active colleagues who tired earlier.
Aerobic and cardio exercises will:
- Increases healthy DKL cholesterol levels
- Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
- Cleanse impurities from the skin
- Strengthen bones to fight osteoporosis
- Lubricate and strengthen joints
- Improve co-ordination and mobility
- Enhance confidence and self-esteem
[Source: American Heart Association and International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association website]