Lawsuit Against FDA: Mercury In Medicine
Mercury is the second most toxic element on earth, next to plutonium, yet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows it to be widely used in the vaccines and medications you and your family may take each year.
Mercury can be toxic when it is inhaled, taken orally or when placed on the skin. Its harmful effects have been scientifically linked to several diseases, including autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, and bipolar disorder.
The reality of mercury use is alarming, yet the FDA—the government agency established to ensure the safety of Americans by weeding out all the harmful components of food products and drugs before they hit the market — could care less if we’re exposed to this life-threatening substance.
Instead, they continue to allow mercury to be administered in at least 45 different over the counter drugs, including eye ointments, nasal sprays, and vaccines—including the Flu vaccine which is administered to children and pregnant women.
This careless behavior is the driving force behind the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD), who is now asking the U.S. federal court to force the FDA to comply with existing law and regulations by providing proof that mercury is safe for human consumption. Until mercury is proven safe, CoMeD asks that mercury-containing products be removed from the market. The law suit was filed because the FDA failed to answer issues raised in a citizen petition filed on August 24, 2004, by CoMeD representatives.
By failing to provide any kind of proof that mercury testing has indeed been done, the FDA is admitting that they have not taken any action at all to test the safety or harm caused by consuming mercury.
Adding fuel to the fire is a 1999 email, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, where an FDA official wrote that agency’s failure to evaluation the amount of mercury in medicine “…will raise questions about FDA being ‘asleep at the switch’ for decades by allowing a potentially hazardous compound to remain…and not forcing manufactures to exclude it from new products.”
Knowledge is power and it could save your life. Get all the information on the dangers of mercury, and make a conscious effort to keep your body functioning at a high level of health. Eat smart. Receive regularly scheduled chiropractic appointments. Exercise. And keep reading!
[Source: and ]