For the Monday Morning whiners
Monday morning again and i start to scroll through my facebook status updates...whine, complain, boo hoo, whine, whine, is all I can see.
I have little something to say to all my complaining friends..
If you are whining about not wanting to go to work: At least you have a job...there are a lot of people who wouldn't mind waking up on a Monday and having YOUR job. If you hate your job so much that you can't continue...then do everyone a favor (including yourself) and leave. You are definitely not putting in 100% and would be happier somewhere else.
if you are complaining about your health: Do something about it! Chances are. Your lifestyle had a lot to do with it...western medicine is merely disease management ... For health, you will have to look elsewhere. Take some responsibility for your condition: more than likely, it's been your lifestyle that has affected your health. Time to change!
if you are complaining about your spouse/partner/boyfriend /girlfriend : When was the last time you did something nice for them? Chances are, it's been a while. I'm sure they have their faults, but I'm betting you are no prize yourself.
If you are complaining about being depressed: Go out and help someone! It's hard to feel sorry for yourself when you are helping someone who is likely in a worse situation than you are.
So there! If you insist on continuing to least make it funny or interesting so we can all laugh at your misery.