Want to Lose Weight This year? Cleanse!
It's a new Year. Maybe one of your resolutions is to lose weight. Often overlooked in a weightloss regimen is cleansing. Toxins are stored by the body in fatty tissues because storing them there will cause the least damage (kind of like storing radioactive waste in the middle of a mountain in the Nevada desert)
If you toxic and trying to lose weight your body WILL NOT let go of this fat because it could endanger your health. The body will eat into muscle tissue first rather than endanger itself with these harmul toxins.
Cleansing will remove these toxins , permitting safe weight loss.
Another benefit from cleansing is better glandular function. Normalizing glandular function is essential for consistent and safe weight loss.
One of the programs I recommend to my patients is Clean Start a mild, but effective cleanse. I say mild, because some cleanses may cause you to experience symptoms while detoxifying (fatigue, dizziness, headaches) If you have never cleansed before, this is a good place to start. You can purchase it online at the DeepDown Nutrition Detox Store
Another good Weight Loss Solution is the Dieter's Cleanse- specifically designed to help glandular function as well as detoxification.