Hi, I'm Danny DeReuter, and I'm on a mission to save the world, one spine at a time.

You might say I've got a bit of a Superhero complex. And you know what? I'm not denying it. Ever since I was a 14-year-old kid, I've been dreaming of donning a cape, but instead of fighting crime, I'm fighting for your health.

I'm your local chiropractor, stationed in Chattanooga, TN, but I've set up shop in Dalton, GA. My goal? To make sure you're as healthy as a horse, naturally, without popping a single pill.

I dabble in writing too. You might've read some of my stuff. If not, well, you're missing out on some pretty cool insights, or so I've been told.

Comedy? Yeah, I've got a knack for making people chuckle. Stand-up is on my vision board. Not just any vision board, but the kind where dreams actually come true.

I've also become the go-to guy for social media wizardry. If you're looking to up your online game, I'm your man. I'll teach you how to make your presence felt, not just seen.

Speaking of speaking, I love to talk, especially about what gets my heart racing: natural health, chiropractic care, and yes, the art of social media. If you're nice, I might just agree to grace your event with my presence.

Oh, and did I mention I'm owner of

The Natural Life?

That's right, I'm not just cracking backs; I'm also dishing out health supplements.

Born in Colon, Panama, I moved to Miami at fifteen for high school. Fun fact: I went to school with Jose Canseco, the baseball legend.

I've got two daughters, Audrey and Chloe, who, let's be honest, couldn't care less about this bio. But hey, they're my world.

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Chiropractor of 25+ years writing for therapeutic purposes (mine), I'll write about my life as a dad, business owner, and student of life. Trying to pass along wisdom before my time is up. Some people think I'm funny, but it's never the right people.


Dad, chiropractor, introvert, travel nerd, lover of efficiency. Celebrity in Mexican restaurants. Live long and prosper. 🖖🏼 $dereuter